Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Last night was another night spent without sleep. Despite multiple doses of medicine, I still couldn't sleep more than 2 hours at a time because of my cough. This morning I still had no voice, and my sinuses are becoming tender, so with the encouragement of my hubby and my clinic attending, I called in sick today. I felt horrible doing it, but like my attending pointed out, I'm probably more sick than most of the patients coming to clinic today.

I've used probably half a box of Kleenex today, and despite having the ones with lotion in them, I still look like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. When I was going downstairs to boil some water to make steam, Hubby wisely reminded me that we have a steamer he uses on his pants, so I've intermittently been breathing in that steam for the last few hours. It's actually making me feel better! I still can't really breathe out of my nose, and my voice is still nonexistent, but I'm hopeful that I will be on the upswing in the next ten hours so that I can make it through my twelve hour shift in the ER. If the day is light enough, there is a teeny chance I will get to go home early, but since I'm pit boss tomorrow, I'm technically in charge and may have to stay the entire time.

I haven't had a cold this bad in just about a year. I hope it doesn't come back anytime soon; I don't think I could take much more of this.

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