Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I forgot to mention that I have been sick all weekend. It started with a sore throat Friday morning and has now progressed to a yucky hacking cough, fever, laryngitis, nasal congestion, and a still horribly sore throat. My voice kept getting deeper throughout work yesterday, and by last night I felt horrible. I couldn't sleep flat, so I spent most of the night curled up on the chaise lounge. Hubby woke up at 6:30 to start working, but I ended up sleeping in til almost 11:30. He checked on me around 10:30, but it took me another hour to muster up the energy to get out of bed. He suggested I go see a doctor, and (as usual) my response was, "I am a doctor." I knew this was just a virus, but I conferred with my dad (also a doctor) who agreed and suggested some supportive therapies to try.

Now I'm sitting on the couch relaxing with a Yorkie curled up next to me while Hubby watches some ridiculous movie on TV. We've ordered dinner in since I'm obviously in no shape to be cooking tonight, and I've already taken my first dose of cough medicine. I am scheduled to be in clinic tomorrow at 1 PM, and I really really hope I'm feeling better by then since cancelling my clinic that late isn't an option (my fellow residents would have to pick up the slack and see my patients). Here's to Chinese noodle soup and lots of rest before tomorrow!

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