Monday, May 19, 2008

Hilarity ensues

There is no way I could not blog about some of the things that happened today. My first shift back on days s-u-c-k-e-d. There was up to a seven hour wait during the day in the ER, and people were in all sorts of bad moods. That said, here are the two highlights of my day.

1) I needed to sew a 3 cm laceration on the forehead of a two-and-a-half year old. My attending decided the little guy didn't need to be sedated, so we "papoosed" the little guy (wrapped him up good and tight on a backboard). It took two fire fighters in training (they come to the ER to learn some basic skills) plus the papoose to remotely hold this child still. My attending sewed the deep layer and left me to sew the superficial sutures. The little man was not happy, and my attending started to sing "You Are My Sunshine" to distract him. He wasn't very amused, so she quickly switched to "Jingle Bells." I poked fun at her since it's May, and she told me, "Be quiet, that's the only other song I know!" The next thing I know, I heard these words over my shoulder: "Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed, a poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed ..." I almost died laughing as one of the fire fighters joined in singing the Beverly Hillbillies theme song to my little Hispanic patient. Priceless.

2) Later I was taking a history from a mom about her five-and-a-half month old who presented with nasal congestion. As I was running through my review of systems, she mentioned, "Yeah, I've noticed that his right ear smells like corn flakes or a burrito." I think I stopped dead in my tracks for about two seconds before proceeding on. Completely random.

There are still six weeks of fun to be had in the ER!

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