Friday, July 25, 2008

Wakey wakey ...

I am done with nights for a bit! I have three days off, and then I switch back to PICU days for a month (only two overnight calls for the four weeks). To try to switch my body back to days, I'm going to stay up as much as I can today and sleeeeeep like a baby after a sushi date tonight. Poor Hubby has barely seen me this week; I left for work Sunday around noon, got home the next morning around eight AM when he was already working, and proceeded to sleep until five PM. I'd leave for work around 6:30 and be gone all night til eight the next morning every night through last night, so it almost felt like an out of town week for us. He was so sweet and grilled filet mignon two nights during the week so that I would be well fed for the night (hospital food gets old!), so that made me miss him even more. We decided to go out for a date night to catch up on everything that has happened this week; I can't wait!

Even though we didn't see much of each other this week, I was so thankful Hubby was here this week; I was part of a really sad situation involving a young kiddo earlier this week, and when that got combined with another stressful situation at work, I broke down crying in front of one of my favorite pharmacists. Coming home to a long hug helped my tears to dry and my spirit to heal. I already know that the PICU will have sad stories (as it always does), so I look forward to having his support close at hand.

On another exciting note, Hubby will be out of town for another week and then will be back in our own city for at least TWO MONTHS. There really aren't words to express how overjoyed I was when I heard this project came through. We haven't lived in the same city consistently for that long since we were engaged, so I am THRILLED. This project is such an answer to my prayers. As an added bonus, the project is coming when I should only have to spend four of those nights in the hospital. While they will be difficult intense months for me (PICU and Cardiology senior), having my best friend home at the end of the day will make everything more bearable.

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