Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Definitely back

I'm definitely back in the PICU. This time around, I feel that some of the kids I'm taking care of are even sicker than the ones I had last year. One of my patients is on both ECMO and CVVH and is hanging in the balance, so I have had a crash course in both of these over the last two days. Both of these are largely run by the fellows and attendings, but I'm doing my best to keep up with what's going on. I spent thirteen hours in the PICU yesterday and another seven and a half today plus an additional four in clinic; I'm tired of being at the hospital! I have another thirteen to fourteen tomorrow and at least ten on Thursday, and then I'll be there thirty hours straight Friday through Saturday. I will work again Sunday through Friday (no more overnight call during that period though) and then will have two glorious days in a row off. :)

Being the most senior resident on the team has been a very interesting experience. I have a sub-intern (4th year medical student) on the team, two second year residents, and one second year outside rotator, and since none of them have been in the PICU before Monday, they have been looking to me for guidance. I've actually surprised myself at times when I give answers I didn't even know that I knew. We had a new admission early this morning right before rounds, so with the help of the night float team, I did a quick history and physical in addition to seeing my regular patients. I didn't have time to print up my history, so I apologized to my attending that I was going to present off memory. When I was done, he gave me a huge compliment in front of the team by telling the med student, "Now that was a perfect history; Sarah told a story with that one -- something that tends to get lost when people have their papers in front of them ... great job, Sarah." I actually felt not on top of my game since I had been so rushed that morning, so when my attending complimented me like that, I got a much needed boost. Being that I'm back in the PICU, I'm a little more emotional than normal, so I'm surprised I didn't start crying in front of the team!

Knowing that Hubby will be back in town in two days for two months (yay!!) makes this month easier to bear. I also love having Sebastian home to greet me at the end of the long day; his little tail wags a mile a minute every time I walk through the door, and he makes me laugh with his silly puppy antics. My little family is my escape from the stress of the PICU, and I am so thankful for them!

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