Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tired (again)

Why do I feel like all my recent posts are about residency? It must be because I've felt consumed by it since mid-January. I can't wait for next block when I will have a few minutes to breathe. I'm taking Step 3 one week into the block (April 14-15), and I am in desperate need of some studying time for this exam. Hopefully I can get myself into gear; it's just about 2 weeks away, and I am SO not ready for it.

I had a truly wonderful call last night. I actually got to lie down for five hours in a row. To me, that's virtually unheard of on a NICU call night. I was a little deeper into sleep than I usually get on call, so when the resus page came across our walkies at 3:45 AM, my fellow second year and I looked pretty funny with our pillow marks fresh against our faces and our eyes blinking against the bright lights of the delivery room. The babies ended up being fine (yes, babies -- we went to 2 deliveries back to back, and 1 was for twins!), so life was good. My attending this month is extremely diligent in getting us out on time, so I was actually able to leave at 29 hours instead of the maximum of 30. It really was a great call!

Now I'm sitting at home after a lovely little nap and a warmed up dinner of leftovers. I'm watching reruns of CSI (which I am just now getting into), and I have a small Yorkie curled up asleep on my tummy. I've been reading blogs and researching sightseeing and restaurants for our trip to NYC (just 3 more weeks!). Hubby's out of town, so I'm planning on turning in early and catching up on my sleep. Tomorrow should be a relatively long day (6 AM to 5 PM), and then I'll be on call again Friday, so I will rest while I can!

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