Thursday, March 06, 2008

Thank God

Last night I had a big scare. I was scratching something on my back when I noticed a new very dark spot in the middle of my back. It was just out of decent view, and since Hubby was out of town, I couldn't ask him to examine it better. I even tried to take a digital picture of it by sticking my arm behind my back, but I was unsuccessful. I have extremely fair skin and have already had a few concerning moles removed from my back several years ago, so finding this new spot really scared me. Hubby had actually fallen asleep already by the time I found this, so I wasn't even able to tell him about it last night. I left him a message on his voicemail and managed to finally fall asleep.

This morning I managed to find an appointment for 1:30 PM with one of the dermatologists associated with the medical school with which I am affiliated up here. She took a look at this spot and then called in another dermatologist to take a look, and they made the decision that it's nothing! I am SO thankful. I didn't even need a biopsy! They even complimented me on how well I am taking care of my skin and told me to keep doing what I'm doing now. (It's easy not to get any sun when you work from 7 AM to 7 PM!)

To make my day even more exciting, I managed to get caught in a snow storm on my way home; the lady at the store where I had stopped laughed at me when I told her that I have no idea how to drive in the snow! Thankfully I made it home safely. Hubby's flight home got cancelled, but he was able to make it on an earlier flight and should be home shortly after seven tonight. I'm so excited!! God's grace is abounding in my life today, and I am so thankful.

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