Monday, March 24, 2008

Catching up

Today is my 2nd day off this 4 week block -- yay! Unfortunately Hubby had to leave for Philly this morning, but I was so out of it that I barely remember him saying goodbye. I slept for eleven hours straight!! I still can't believe it. At least I feel well rested now; tomorrow night I'll be back for yet another no-sleep call in the NICU, so feeling not tired for now is a great feeling.

My parents came into town on Thursday so that my dad could speak at our church; it was so awesome both seeing them and getting to hear again the message of all Christ has done for us. I think this was my 4th time hearing the talk, so I got teased that pretty soon I'll be able to give it since I've got the medical background as well. If only I didn't have my extreme dislike of speaking in public! To make Easter even better, I was able to finish my work up early that morning and make it to church only 5 minutes late. I had gotten to work at 5:30 so that I might be able to finish early, and praise God, I was able to wrap up quickly and get out! I've had to miss a decent amount of church recently because of work, so being there at all is a blessing, but being there with my church family on Easter Sunday was a special treat.

After sleeping half the day away, I'm working on getting the house cleaned up and back in order. It's not too bad since my parents were just here, but there's always laundry to be done or something to be cleaned. Then I'm running to one of the best and most fun stores in the world, Target, later today to clean up on post-Easter candy, and then I'm going to come home and bake! My mom brought me this AMAZING cookbook, and I'm eager to try out some new recipes. It's going to be a very relaxing day off!!

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