Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A Surprise Guest

First off, Maui was amazing. I don't think I could have asked for a better vacation. The entire island is gorgeous, and spending it with my new husband was the best gift I could ever have asked for. I think we must have spent half the trip laughing, and on the plane home on Sunday, I pointed out that he stated "That's one of the funniest things you've ever said" at least half a dozen times over the last week. Apparently marriage makes me a funnier person. I think I'm funnier around him than I am around other people because there's no pressure to be anything; I can just do stupid stuff to make him laugh. If you don't believe me, ask the person next to us on the 59 feeder tonight; I'm sure my dance moves to the Black Eyed Peas looked more like I was having a seizure than it did dancing!

In spite of the fabulous time we had in Maui, I think we were both ready to be home. It was so weird not having to send him back to his place on Sunday night!! Right now our apartment is a giant sea of dirty laundry, half-unpacked suitcases, and boxes. We're still trying to move him in, and my head starts to spin when I contemplate doing this all again in 30 days. My husband is much better at spacial organization than I, so he took it upon himself to help clean up the main living area. We sorted the wedding gifts into 2 piles: 1) to unpack in Houston and 2) to unpack in Dallas. We decided to store the ones we'll unpack later in my attic. The attic in my apartment is only accessible by climbing to the very top of a ladder, sliding off the wooden cover to the attic, and pulling yourself up by your arms. It was obviously not designed for those of us who are vertically-challenged, so we devised a plan for me to climb up into the attic and have him pass me the gifts we wanted to store. I'm not able to turn on the attic light until I've slid off the cover, but that's never been a problem ... until tonight.

I pulled back my hair and climbed up the ladder. When I slid the cover off the entrance, I thought I felt it hit something, but I figured it was probably a box of Christmas lights or something like that. I flipped the light switch as I pulled myself up into the attic, and when I turned around, right on the cover was a dead bird with no head. I pride myself on being rather "tough;" I'm not squeamish about many things. I figure that if I can cut people open (among other things that I'll leave out), I can handle just about anything. I'm not afraid of most animals (onily snakes and very large spiders), so I just gasped and told my husband what I'd found. He didn't seem bothered by it at all, so I tried to be pretty tough and to ignore my visitor. However, the more time I spent up there, the more I realized that this must not be my only guest since the bird was missing its head, and it freaked me out. After a few minutes, I got the hubby to come up to the attic and take the bird out (good thing I married a country boy!), and I was able to stay up there and finish the job of getting the boxes organized. This whole event has spawned so many questions, but I'm trying to shove them to the side and not answer any of them. All I know now is that I am definitely not going into the attic if he is ever out of town on business. I don't know if I could handle what I might find!

On that note, I'm going to try to get some sleep. My body is still on Hawaii time, and it's only 7:45 there. I wish I could be a guy and have no problems falling asleep anywhere and at any time!


Todd Richards said...

"Our pets' heads are falling off..."

Sarah said...

Harry, I took care of it!