Thursday, May 11, 2006

It's a blonde thing

I am the only blonde in my family. Apparently recessive genes are my specialty as I also have blue eyes, very pale skin, and a very short stature. One of my best friends in high school was African-American, and she used to tell me that I was the posterchild for Germany. Oh the love!

In an effort to fit in, I've been adding brown into my hair. One of my friends calls it my "artificial intelligence," and many of my other girlfriends tell me how silly it is that they're adding blonde in while I'm adding in brown. I don't care; I like it! I love dark hair; if I thought I could get away with it, I'd probably dye my entire hair a rich chocolate brown. Of course my husband would come home thinking he'd entered the wrong house, and with the pale skin, I'd probably just look like a goth. It's not a great idea.

This week I have uttered several things that have proved my blonde roots are real. For your enjoyment, I offer them up on my blog.

Me: That reminds me of that song by the Brian Seltzer Orchestra.
Hubby: You mean the Brian Setzer Orchestra? You just turned him into an antacid.
Me: That's how it's spelled? Really? I didn't know that.

Me: I wish our friend would hurry up and go to cemetery. Then he'd be in Dallas closer to us!
Hubby: What did you just say? You mean seminary?
Me: Yeah, that's what I said ... Shut up, I'm tired!

When we were in Dallas, we repeatedly drove by Mockingbird Lane, prompting us to sing the mockingbird song from Dumb and Dumber. Mind you, I've only seen this movie once, so my knowledge of this song extends from hearing the husband and one of my classmates sing it. It's supposed to have 2 people singing with the 2nd person saying "Yeah!" after each syllable.

(and so on ...)

Several times when the husband started the song, it went like this:
Him: Mock!
Me: ING!
Him: No no no ... you're supposed to say, "Yeah!"
Me: Yeah! *giggle* Like that?

I couldn't get it right for the life of me.

Yep, I'm going to hold children's lives in my hands. It's a scary thought.


Anonymous said...

I don't want to go to cemetary yet...

Me said...

Hey Sarah! So glad to see you have a blog! I am glad I'll be able to keep up with you and Scott after you move! Oh, and several of these made me laugh! Cute!