Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ouch! Double ouch!

My wallet is in the corner crying softly. I just spent almost $800 in the last seven hours! Fortunately, I'll be reimbursed for $75 to cover the cost of my required Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) renewal course, but I'm left alone to cover the $670 for my USMLE Step 3 exam. All doctors have to take this test at some point to be licensed, and I decided today that I have been putting it off long enough,so I started the registration process online. The test covers all the medical specialties, and I'm already a year and a half out of medical school (yikes!). I forgotten SO MUCH about grown ups in that time (but learned so much about peds in that time as well), so I used $35 to buy this book to help me prepare. I figured it was worth the investment not to have to take the exam again! :)

Online registration for this exam as well as for licensure later has not been fun, so I have the new show "The Moment of Truth" on in the background. This show is CRAZY. I came in twenty minutes late, but I cannot believe how uncomfortable this is. The distance these people are willing to go just to earn money is heartbreaking. One question asked a man married for 2 1/2 years, "Is the reason you've put off having kids because you're not sure Catia (his wife) is your lifetime partner?" He answered "Yes" right in front of his wife! And it was true! Several questions later he was asked a question regarding whether he had ever touched a woman more than he had to as a personal trainer. He answered "No" -- but it was false! NO amount of money was worth the damage that couple did to their marriage tonight. Absolutely heartbreaking.

I'm still plodding away at these online forms. How much data can they really want about me? I also had to go find a 2"x2" picture of myself to mail in with my application -- ugh. Now I have to find a notary to prove I am who I say I am. The fun times of being a resident never end!

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