Monday, January 14, 2008


My schedule this week has worked out so that I had the weekend off and did not have to go to work today. Tomorrow I just have a meeting at lunch, Wednesday I have afternoon clinic, and then I have Thursday off as well. I will definitely be making up for this week later, but it's worth it right now.

Because of my free time, I was able to participate in my church's 15/15 prayer experience. Starting eight days ago, we have committed to having 15 people per day pray for 1 hour each for 15 days, and I was blessed to be able to go up to my church and pray this morning at 8 AM. Those who know me well know that I am NOT a morning person. I HATE mornings with a passion. God knew this and thought it would be funny to have me marry one of the world's biggest morning people, so when Hubby is in town, there are many mornings when his cheery greetings receive grunts in reply.

When I signed up for this, I saw open spots later in the day, but I wanted this to be a sacrifice, so while 8 AM really isn't that early and I have often been at work for a few hours by then, I still struggled to get out of bed and be ready on time today. To be honest, I was a little worried about how I would be able to pray for an hour straight, but as I started whispering to Him, He continued to bring people to my mind, and I actually worried that I had gone over and was holding someone else up (I was close but not over). This morning was one of the most beautiful experiences I have had in a while, and I am immensely thankful that my God is so wonderfully large and yet amazingly intimate at the same time.

In another direction, I've also become motivated to use my days off to continue my efforts to turn our house into a home. We went to Lowe's tonight and bought the supplies to start painting some of the rooms. Those of you who have been to our house may have noticed that many of the rooms and walls flow together, so painting has posed a problem since there are few natural breaking points in the house. I love how open everything feels, but it's been a challenge to figure out how to decorate and paint. We've decided to paint the game room a lovely shade called "Belgian Chocolate," but unfortunately the Lowe's near us did not have the correct base for the paint. We tried it in another base, but it looked more like chocolate milk rather than Belgian Chocolate, so we're holding off. Hubby has taped off most of the first wall for me, so tomorrow I will be priming the wall before I head in for my meeting and will hopefully find the correct paint at another Lowe's. I'll just have to remember that this is indeed paint and not liquid chocolate. ;)

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