Thursday, October 25, 2007


I am sick yet again. I didn't feel so hot in clinic yesterday, and by the time I got home, it was definitely not good. I threw up around 8 PM and went to bed without dinner. This morning I ate a few crackers for breakfast as rounds were starting, but I didn't have the appetite for anything else. Around 10 AM, my attending told me to call in sick call because he could tell I didn't feel well. I almost started crying right there in the middle of rounds because I was doing everything I could not to call in sick call, but I felt so horrible that I just wanted to go home.

I made myself some soup when I got home, so in the last 30 hours, I have eaten about 6 saltines and a cup of chicken noodle soup. I'm considering some Jello for dinner, but we'll see. At least I have tomorrow off, so I don't have to worry about calling in sick call for a second day.

I'm in the PICU this month. I'm definitely not an intensivist! There are plenty of valuable lessons for me to learn in my 28 days here, but I am so out of my element. I'm seeing such horrible things that I usually want to go home and cry to get it all out. These kids are so sick, and I'm seeing horrific child abuse that turns my stomach. This month is turning me into even more of an advocate for my patients than I was before! I am so tired; I'm waking up at 4:30-5 am every day, and at least two days a week, I work til 8 PM. I'm only on 30-hour call twice this month, but the first time is Saturday. I'm a little nervous about it, but I know that it will be okay.

I think it's time for Jello and a second episode of Law and Order. I don't have any plans for tonight other than to relax and watch TV with Sebastian. Tomorrow Hubby will be home; I'm hoping that I will at least be eating real food by dinner tomorrow.

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