Monday, March 12, 2007

I'm beat

Daylight savings time was not my friend. I'm on call and soooo tired. Why am I not lying down? I'm waiting on labs. Doctors (myself included on occasion) like to order early AM labs. Now I'm waiting on them to come back to decide whether I give a med now or order more labs in 2 hours and recheck levels then. Good times!

On the bright side, our house now has walls. I'll post pictures when I'm more alert. :)

On the down side, my fella's back in New York. The irony of it all -- he's been home for 7 weeks, and I've been on call q4 for the last 8. He left tonight (actually Sunday) for 4 weeks (still home on the weekends), and now I only take call 1 night out of the next 4 weeks. Go figure! I'm now at the point where all I can do is laugh.

WHOO HOO!!! My labs came back, meds given ... it's 1:45, and I get to go rest my eyes til I get paged. YAAAAY!

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