Monday, February 16, 2009

Apparently I'm wise ...

There have been two times in the last two weeks that I've been told I'm either very wise or very smart for stating things that seem very common sense to me. The first time, the front desk staff at an office where I was interviewing kept apologizing because the physician who was interviewing me was running fifteen minutes late. Fifteen minutes late in the middle of flu season is NOT bad at all! I made the comment that anyone who didn't understand running a little behind in the dead of winter probably doesn't belong in pediatrics. That statement got me big points.

Today I was talking with two medical students, one of whom is recently married and the other who is in a long term relationship. I mentioned that Hubby and I have a rule that we do not argue on an empty stomach, and that if either of us hasn't eaten, we postpone the "discussion" until at least part way through the meal. That rule has saved us SO many fights! Both of us can be quite cranky when we're hungry, so taking that factor out of the equation has made navigating the differences we have much easier. Both of them looked at me like I was a genius, and the male student said that he was going to talk to his girlfriend that night about implementing that rule.

Maybe I should look into Mensa.

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