Sunday, April 27, 2008


Hubby tagged me, so instead of trying to figure out how to condense a week's worth of NYC fun into a post right at this moment, I'll fill this out first and get to the trip summary soon.

Rules for the game:
1. Put these rules at the beginning of your post.
2. Answer each question (see below) in your post.
3. Tag five people at the end.

What was I doing 10 years ago?
April 1998 ... I was just about to graduate high school. I got my first speeding ticket less than two weeks before graduation and quickly found out that since I wasn't seventeen yet, the State of Texas would not let me take care of the ticket without a parent present. I still remember crying outside in the parking lot and thinking there was no way I should be allowed to leave home if I couldn't even take care of my own speeding ticket!

Five things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Tithe and offerings
2. Pay off my student loans and our mortgage
3. Put a large chunk into savings/ investments
4. Pay off mortgages for our relatives
5. Take a long trip to Europe and Australia
(6. Open my own clinic where I could practice medicine the way I wanted without having to worry about the money side of things.)

Five jobs that I have had:
1. Quality assurance contractor for a computer company
2. Office assistant for Continuing Medical Education
3. Research assistant
4. Neuroscience TA/ tutor
5. Pediatrics resident

Three of my habits:
1. Putting on eye cream, hand lotion, and lip balm before I go to bed (I have extremely dry skin, and washing my hands/ using hand sanitizer between every single patient does not help!)
2. Reading blogs every day
3. Checking for my "wallet, keys, pager, cell phone" in that order before I leave for work in the mornings

Five places I have lived
1. Coralville, Iowa
2. Memphis, TN
3. Houston, TX
4. College Station, TX
5. Irving, TX

Five people I want to get to know better
1. Jeanine
2. Carissa
3. Rob

I'm out because all the other people are those whose blogs I stalk or who have already been tagged. :-p

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