Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's not a habit. It's cool. I feel alive.

Unpacking has helped me to realize that I have several prominent addictions in my life and several that I have overcome (or maybe just replaced with new ones). With all the expenses of setting up our home, moving, and preparing to start my new job, I haven't been able to feed many of these addictions lately. Fortunately for me, I have a wonderful family on both sides who have made sure that my withdrawals aren't too bad.

For my birthday, my wonderful husband went wild and crazy at Lush. Our new apartment has two wonderfully deep tubs without those nasty drains in the side. I was a microbiology major in college; seriously, you don't want to know what grows in those pipes, or you would never take a bath in them again. Now that our new tubs don't have the portals to filth, I really enjoy taking baths, and I was blessed enough to get quite a few wonderful bath bombs, melts, and soaps. I was so stressed out last week in our rush to prepare our place for a wonderful weekend guest (who happens to read this blog -- hi guest!) that I swear I was about to spontaneously combust (don't rag on me for the split infinitive -- "combust spontaneously" just didn't sound the same). I popped a Happy Pill into a hot bath and relaxed so much that I dozed off for a few minutes. I just found out today that my husband's job will be taking him to California Monday through Friday until at least October, and my schedule is going to be very busy during the week with no guarantee of weekends off. My only vacation until next April comes up in July, so I already know that I'm going to be using my Lush products to help me wind down from the craziness of life! Maybe I should start a fund to support this habit; it won't be cheap.

Something I've known for a while but have just recently admitted is that I have a purse addiction as well. Most girls have hundreds of pairs of shoes; while I do have quite a few, it's probably significantly less than the amount possessed by other women. I prefer to have my classic staples with a few fun options thrown in. My accent of choice is my purse and lately one style in particular. I love the Liz Claiborne croc purses; I now own two small ones, one medium one, and (this is so embarrassing) five large ones. The large ones are PERFECT for me to carry to the hospital (just big enough to hold all my papers without wrinkling them), and since three of them were gifts and I got the other two on huge sales, I don't have to feel as guilty about it. My mom and sister knew that I liked them so much that they each got me one of these types of purses for my birthday. Now that is love.

My final addiction is the one that I really can't afford to feed right now -- both for lack of money and lack of space. When I was a little girl, I remember looking through the home section in department stores and thinking that I would never be interested by this kind of thing. Ha ha. Now I can't walk through a department store without stopping to look at the home section! I have now been introduced to the wonders of Fiestaware. Through the generosity of my husband's home town, we got all the placesettings for which we registered and lots of Fiestaware we never picked out. There were a few pieces off our Foley's registry that we didn't get, but what we have is far more than enough. My problem is that now that I've used it daily, I love it so much and am starting to think about the other colors that I don't have. Sure I have some outrageous number of dinner plates in cinnabar, sunflower, cobalt, and white (I think the final count is in around 18), but oooooh, the peacock is so pretty! Maybe when we have a house and I have a hutch, I can get more. In the meantime, my mantra when I walk through Foley's is "Just say no!"


Laurie said...

I remember thinking the exact same thing about housewares! I would go shopping with my mom and aunt, who would spend what felt like hours looking at china and linens. I hated it! But these days, it's just plain fun. :)

Anonymous said...

The place was well suited to host guests such as myself. The Man of the house was full of wit as is usually the case. The lady of the house even prepared a breakfast that was... how shall I say it... scrumtrulescent.

The bathroom was immaculate... the bed comforting... and the company unsurpassed. Overall, I would give this haven 4 stars (you would have gotten the 5th star if there had been mints on my pillow).