Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Are you ready for some action?

Tonight's my first night as a doctor; I'm so nervous and yet a little excited at the same time! I've been reading all sorts of articles for the last two days trying to refresh my memory on how to care for kids (it's been a year since I've seen one as a patient), but I'm sure that I will still have a blank look of fear on my face about 6:55 PM when I'm getting the checkout list from the intern who's going home. I don't know much about how the computer systems work, I have no idea where to put the chart after I write orders, I don't know how to admit the kids to the hospital (I've always received them after they've already been admitted), and I'm doing pretty well just to know where to park tonight. I don't even know how to get into the ER! The chief badged us in before, but will my badge work? We'll find out tonight! :) I feel like I need a scarlet "I" on my white coat to let everyone know that I'm one of the dreaded fresh interns who will need to be told 100 times, "We do it a different way at this hospital." At least everyone I met in the ER last week was extremely friendly and appeared to be very patient; I'm hoping that carries over to the night shift people as well.

In spite of the nerves, I really am excited. There's no better way to learn than to get in there and get my hands dirty (followed by a good washing, of course). I can read about a case 10 times and not remember 1/2 of what I read, but seeing a patient imbeds that knowledge in me better than simple reading could ever do.

Bring it on.

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