Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm a stalker

I have to admit that I am an avid blog stalker. There are quite a few blogs I read regularly -- most of them belong to people I know (although many of them probably don't know I read their blogs), and quite a few belong to people they know but whom I have never met.

This weekend, I was shopping with the hubby at the mall. As I was searching through the petite section for a pair of jeans, I looked up to see a familiar face. My first thought was, "Hey, I know her!" I soon realized that I didn't actually know her; I just knew her blog. I thought for a brief second about introducing myself but realized how crazy that would make me look (especially b/c I couldn't remember who the initial connection was that got to me to her blog -- I now do remember). I'm just glad I didn't say anything stupid so that she wouldn't think I was a real stalker.

1 comment:

Me said...

Yeah - I made that mistake once - it was awkward! Although, if I had started out with, "I stalk your blog", I think it would have gone much better. People usually like to hear that random people enjoy reading their blog - it means they are entertaining! :)