Friday, February 29, 2008

This is why

Two days ago, I had an experience in clinic that completely reinforced why I want to be a general pediatrician. I looked at my schedule and saw many names that I didn't know (sick visits for patients of other residents), but I also saw 2 names of my own personal patients. Both of them are babies that I have followed since they were born. The first was a 1 year old well child check for a baby that I first met when he was five days old; I cannot believe how big he has gotten! He has the best parents; they both always show up for his appointments and are raising him so well.

My later appointment was with a ten month old that I have seen for all of his check-ups except one when I was working nights for a month straight. His mom identifies me as his doctor and even commented on how she liked my new haircut; that she knows me well enough to notice that I cut my hair just warms my heart. I am her baby's doctor! This poor little guy had been running a low grade temp along with tons of congestion and cough; just like everybody else, he's got a nasty virus. The FDA as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics have recently recommended against cough and cold medicine in this little guy's age; I had already warned this mommy about that at his last check-up, and she had actually listened and remembered! She told me that she brought him in Wednesday because she knew it was my day to be in clinic and she just wanted me to check him out and make sure his ears were okay. I reassured her that his ears looked great and gave her warnings on when to return to clinic or to the ER. As I left that room Wednesday, I was reminded of the incredible blessing and responsibility I have of parents entrusting their child's care to me. I hope and pray that I remain this excited throughout the rest of my career, wherever and however long it is.

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